Thursday, August 8, 2013


Laila has officially been on a plane!

    She slept through take off and most of landing and only fussed one time for maybe 15 seconds. I was really nervous about taking a baby on a plane but as always she was such a good girl. She loved watching the clouds and all the tiny buildings fly by below her.
   We're currently in Minnesota visiting our cousins, and having so much fun. My cousin had a little boy 2 years ago and I just got to meet him so already that is the highlight of the trip. He is probably the cutest boy I have ever met and he loves Laila! The first day we got here I went downstairs to change her and he came running down to find baby. As soon as he found her he gave her approximately 10 million kisses. The highlight of Laila's trip is definitely Queen, the dog. As soon as we got to the farm she wouldn't say hi to anyone because she was just staring at Queen and giggling up a storm. She even got a big doggie kiss right on the face and just thought it was the greatest thing. We've been playing outside a lot and she can't get enough of it! 
                              top, pants
    On our second day we got to go out to Lake Minnewaska and go on the pontoon! It was mine and Laila's first time, I don't even think I'd ever seen one before. She was a little fussy because it was nap time and as always she just wanted to eat. At the beginning of the ride she had a good time playing with Kolton and looking at the water.
    On baby: top,leggings,bow On mama: button down, top, leggings
                   (doesn't he look so excited lol)

        The third day was my absolute favorite!!! I am in love with rain and the Midwest gets the best storms. I actually woke up Laila so she wouldn't miss it because I was so excited.
                  Look at those clouds!!! 
       Our mandatory picutre in front of all the rain and Laila's sleepy face.
  We have pretty much just been relaxing around the house for most of the trip but we've had 2 trips to Target. In my fall excitement you better believe I bought Hocus Pocus on sale for $7.99! I can't wait for it to be acceptable to watch it at least once a week.

  My mom has been wanting Laila to have a pair of overalls for so long now so I finally caved and bought them for her farm trip. I must admit she looks pretty darn cute. :)
                       Top, overalls, bow

More adventures coming when we get home. :)

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